During the 1980's Ashford Kent UK our home was the epicentre of concrete mould production with 5 companies employing some 200+ artisans and engineers. Today with innovation and smart solutions we alone remain.
Working with individuals, private and public companies, procurement and government agencies since 1964 be it airports, military, dams, irrigation, seaports, sea defence, flood protection, surface water management, sewage and waste water, roads, bridges, tunnels, piling, transmission, barriers, sound protection, refineries, power station cooling towers, hospitals, stadiums, prisons, housing, religious sites and buildings, stately homes, garages, gardens, fencing, street ware, farming, animal welfare Beton Form Staff have had an involvement through the design, detail and supply of moulds, formwork and fabricated steelwork including site and factory installation.

Mould Engineers 1906.

Same workshop 2006.